Automatic theorem proving

Llistar Títols per Matèria "Automatic theorem proving"

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out url icon Recercat Automated theorem provers for multiple-valued logics with satisfiability modulo theory solvers Ansótegui, Carlos ; Bofill Arasa, Miquel ; Manyà, Felip ; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juny 2016 Automated theorem provers for multiple-valued logics with satisfiability modulo theory solvers Ansótegui, Carlos ; Bofill Arasa, Miquel ; Manyà, Felip ; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
out url icon Recercat Fuzzy XPath for the automatic search of fuzzy formulae models Almendros-Jimenez, Jesùs M. ; Bofill Arasa, Miquel ; Luna-Tedesqui, Alejandro ; Moreno, Ginès ; Vàzquez, Carlos ; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2015 Fuzzy XPath for the automatic search of fuzzy formulae models Almendros-Jiménez, Jesús M. ; Bofill Arasa, Miquel ; Luna-Tedesqui, Alejandro ; Moreno, Ginès ; Vàzquez, Carlos ; Villaret i Ausellé, Mateu

